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How to become a featured artist

Benefits to being picked as a featured artist or put on our music Rotation

Our website gets a huge amount of hits per month, and we have a tremendous amount of listeners each day. Almost all of our Featured Artists have been signed by labels and are enjoying huge success. We would like to think that we discovered many of these artists and helped to promote their careers.

If your music is put on the rotation, it will be heard by people all over the world.


How to become a Featured Artist, or get your music on the rotation.

GalaxyStorm Radio welcomes existing and new music talent to submit their music to our radio station for inclusion on our playlist, and for the best of the best as determined by us, to get your own featured artist page on the GalaxyStorm Radio Website, and have a couple of your songs streamed to our many visitors.

To become a featured artist on GalaxyStorm Radio you must submit at least two songs of your best your music to us in .mp3 format by email to , you must put Featured Artist Submission in the subject line. You must also submit a short bio about you or your band. You must submit contact info for you or the band; name, address, phone, and email.

We will contact you if you are picked for our music rotation, or for featured artist.

If you are picked as a Featured Artist, your band, we will write a professional review of your band, and feature two songs from you on our website that will be streamed so that the music cannot be stolen or copied, only streamed. We can also feature a link if you like to where your song can be purchased.

GalaxyStorm Radio makes no guarantees that you will be picked as a featured artist or that your music will be included on our playlist. We will contact you if you are selected.